That's using Linux based OS (ChromeOS), That's not something I can make work. Sorry, there might be tools around the interwebs to solve it for you. But honestly I don't know.
I really like Gametype of the Tower of Endless Shadows, but its so luck based, i have no idea how you should beat 4 girls (625HP) in the third round :(
The game isn't finish but the idea is to grow and become strong enough to leave the location without breaking the rules as leaving before it's allowed will shrink you to nothingness.
Orachi when you have completed the full game, would it be possible to release it on Steam for purchase/download? Cause I would put it on top of my wishlist. :3
Ma'riskia = She will be sending waves of water locked zombies at you getting hit once will make you drown and lose the minigame so think of it as a bullet hell light edition. Ravenna = She dares you to challenge her tower and you will have a mini roguelike tower experience gaining loot and power as you defeat more foes until you reach the top of the tower and battle Ravenna herself. Ténevorë = She is trying to play Blackjack with a twist as she doesn't exactly knows the full ruling herself. Try to get 21 points but not over or you lose.
Game times and difficulty is subjective, however I do agree that some games are bit to hard when the girls have grown (cause growth scale mechanic) that's why I'm adding easy mode in V0.3 -> V0.4 that removes the scale mechanic.
For save mechanic : saving for 8 first games is totally free in V0.3 as after that the 5 win bonus will cover the cost of saving, the shopkeeper needs to feed on something ^^
There is no win ending yet as I'm releasing sections of the story over patches. in V0.4 I will add a "you win ending" if you beat all the girls but it's not cannon and only temp
Question. When I try to compete against Revanna in the tower of shadows, do the stat increases in attack, mana and HP remain permanent? And if so, Do they stay even if I lose?
Or is Height the only stat that retains its increases?
Ravenna tower will reset your stats every time you go outside. and yes height is the only stat you retain. This is done so next time you enter you don't one shot the enemy.
5 enemies aren't possible to get on a floor, only from floor 3 onwards in Ravenna's game you can get 4 enemies at max. Ravenna is can be defeated as the player gains power through the floors. you could take a rest on floor 3 but be careful as the monsters might ambush you.
The pigs can be killed if your above 400 height and just Squash them
For Ma'riskia you have to stay calm and in the middle only move when something spawns in your way. For V0.3 I added a (beta easy mode) for test and Ma'riskia is one of them getting hit.
Correct Alisa will drain you if you get hit, that's most crucial thing to avoid in her game.
For Ma'riskia map I indeed add move out from spawn location As they can spawn on top of you and instantly make you lose
The fake key is hidden item(you can't see it in the inventory) for Lyra's quest but she doesn't say anything about it, perhaps it's not the right key.
When your in the Mainhall and check yourself the player model will be shown in Syriannas position area. After dialog is over and player model gone, Syrianna wont apear again until you change location. ^^
Gotta say it's a big step down with this update so far.
Alisa chase feels miserable to do with the slower speed especially since there seems to be a slight delay after the rooted QTE before you can start moving again. You should also get rid of the level up event at the end as it just needlessly extends out an already tedious game given that it is impossible to fail at that unless you go afk.
The event difficultly in general just seems both too hard and too long for the rewards. I'd suggest either just reducing event time or setting a minimum time needed for reward and giving more size increase for lasting longer.
Tried the wave dodging one once before getting too small. It was a fun concept but anything reaction base feels terrible to do with this game because the controls are just so slow/clunky and should be a 45s to a minute max especially if a mistake is an insta loss compared to Alisa's game. There should also be an indicator of direction of the new waves. It absolutely sucks when u end up dodging towards one side and then get instantly slammed and lost due to a wave change.
With how tedious it is now. It's not really tempting to go back and try the other games.
Alisa speed didn't change anything, however I did increase player speed in phase 2 in V0.3, also the delay moves the play there right way (In V0.1 you move random direction based on the last key press) Alisa will be rooted well this is happening.
(the second part) I hope me cutting the timer in half, the level up event is needed as she growth bigger to keep the fight fair. (also V0.3)
Sorry I don't know what event difficulty you mean in what game. Maybe I can adjust it, if it's the whole game I'm going to introduce a easier mode where the girls won't scale with height. (and maybe remove the lose trigger if you become to small like v0.1) this is currently worked on for V0.4
Sorry again for the bad experience, are you satisfied with my answer?
The character speed in Alisa's game feels slower to me in the first phase than it was in V1 is what I mean, but that might be me imaging things.
I'd get rid of the 2nd part of the game entirely personally. It's impossible to lose unless you make a super tight timer which would then make the rng ladder room feel super shitty. Personally I think each game should only be about a minute long max given you will have to repeat each game multiple times.
By event difficultly I mean the games themselves generally aren't too difficult. Most the difficultly comes from either randomness (the wave game) or the controls of the game itself as RPGmaker games aren't usually meant for fast reactions.
I do cater to half and half based on length of the minigames. Some girls have longer minigames and some girls have sorter ones. I think that's the best way to make everyone happy. Like Blackjack vs Ravenna.
What is the point of resting in the tower game? I was at 250/600 hp, full mana, "rested", and then after winning the 1v3 fight I'm now 75/600 hp with no mana. Clicking the rest button just says "can't rest again".
It follows D&D logic as resting in the tower you might get ambushed and able to take limited amount of rest. Also Ravenna warns you about it:
At the conclusion of third floor, thou art granted respite for a lengthy rest, yet exercise caution, for the tower's inhabitants may take offense if any intruder slumbers within their dominion.
Sorry if the you feel you got cheated, the demon girls are mean.
I do feel there should be at least some heal or mana restore if you win. I did read that you might be attacked, but I actually thought it was 100% chance to get attacked and then you get a full heal after.
In Syrianna's game , when the timer IS on, the game slow a lot but when you leave the building, it's not snowing and the game's speed come back to normal , while in the 0.1 , it was running normally all the Time
Beside that ,great update , i'm looking foward for more
Three Times slower Than in normal (do this with Ma'riskia game Also)
Maybe it's juste my pc but when Ma'riskia game IS during 4min30s instead of 1min30s , it's a lot harder because in her game , only the timer runs slowly i feel
I have 4GO of RAM, i don't know if you want anything else , but i put it in a file , for 0.1 i just play when i download all , i don't think it suppose to change anything but in case , i tell you
Hmm.. sorry I can't figure it out why it's causing it. I have been checking if there are any cause that maybe the game might be leaking memory without succes.
If you start up the game and press F2 on your keyboard you will get a FPS counter on top, during Syrianna's game can you check when you having a slowed down version what the counter says and shoot that to me.
Trying this out, I can say that its extremely difficult, perhaps too difficult.
A coin flip game is ridiculous for this style of game, with a 15 wager it takes too long to reduce to 0. The main lobby is tedius but otherwise easy.
Ma'riska took extremely long to get a single clear, as there is no indication of where the enemies come from, thus making an instant loss the more common scenario. Every mini-game takes too long to complete effeciently, and I think a stronger payout is necessary.
Ravenna was the most fun out of all of them, as she could be challenging for risk, or full combat and take longer. This was done well.
Tenevore was... eh. Blackjack is always hit and miss, just as bad as the coinflip, but you can't exactly make it easier. I just think once again, allow a higher wager for confident players.
In V0.3 I added a ! marker above player ahead when the waves about to change. Mini game length is always hit or miss, some people like it and some people don't. Same goes for difficulty as the general sense = "It's to easy" . That's why I add easier games in between harder ones And shorter games between longer ones
Not all mini-games are for everyone and will never be the case. I can't please everyone with everything and that's harsh reality.
On a side not V0.3 has a custom wager girl as test (and it's extremely buggy)
Can safely say that v0.2 is a worse experience than v0.1, the save system being locked behind a paywall is an awful idea in the early game since you're stuck with the luck based coin flip to gain height, and the new chase stage which is now way too hard for the early game, she moves WAY too fast. The pigs also were a stupid roadblock, and at one point got stuck in a position that meant I got caught by her 5 times in a row. Absolute Garbage placement. The Marry Me Option providing an actual Game Over also meant I lost my progress because I didn't want to save since I only had 60 height, and that's never fun. I don't care if as you said, "it's to protect the player" because it's not. How does it protect the player? That doesn't mean anything. It's to prevent Save Scumming, that's literally the only thing it's doing. It's also causing more dead games than it should be, and that's never good game design.
I would like to have discussion with you but got a feeling how you worded you post your emotions are at a all time high. Also doubt you will listen to me as you said yourself "I don't care"
But I will try anyway, 1. Save system costing has 4 reasons.
in Version 1 people abused the save feature they played out Lyra and Alisa before Syrianna showed up. I want to avoid that happening in the future for any so it can't "break the game"
Some girls run on custom plugins (Also reason F5 is bad in the notes) that people refreshing the game a lot breaks the game again. (this is limitation of RPG maker)
and my opinion save is to save the game not a cheat system, you can still save abuse but in return you have to donate something to another girl.
Lore, It's weird to able to checkpoint the game lore wise as the player don't have inherent time powers so why not open up a shop you can buy saves from (like the limited saves from Resident Evil)
2. Alisa speed didn't change, you actually gained speed as you move forward in the right direction for the QTE
3. Pigs you can kill if you big enough.
4. Marry Me option is there to stay as forcing yourself onto her will backfire, Don't forget they are not human.
I tend to agree with you on the cost for saving. I do not feel like the first version of the second game is hard at all (the other skilled based ones are also not that hard to get the hang off, at least in my opinion). So I do not feel like the game has a high skill floor preventing players from surviving possible bad luck with the RNG elements (and even then you can always restart if you lose the first 5 coin tosses at the start).
So keeping a small cost for saving to prevent players from ruining the tension left in the game feels like a good idea.
I am open to discussion, and listening, but you're making it out that my criticism is invalid when you word it like that, just to let you know.
1. Looking at it from a Design perspective the fact you got mad that people save scummed should not be a reason to limit saves. The fact that it could break the plugins is another thing, and it's on the fault of coding that it even happens (Probably RPGMaker knowing how stable it can be when doing anything outside the basics) and should be the first and only reason you give people. Your Opinions don't factor into what is and is not good Game Design. As it stands 20 is too steep a cost for early in the game, and sending someone back to the very start of the game if they get unlucky with the coin toss, and don't want to spend what little they might have on a save is frankly bad design. If I wanted a cost based save system I'd make it so the first time is either free or Low Cost, then increase it as you get further in the game.
2. I compared, Alisa did get faster, she's moving at a higher speed than she was before, while the player feels slower. The speed boost for the QTE lasts 1 second, and then she's right back to where she was before, and is constantly getting closer. If this is not supposed to be happening then the encounter is broken.
3. IF you're big enough. If you're not then they're a roadblock. That's bad design. There is also nothing to communicate that you CAN kill them, because the tutorial text is the same as the last version, where the pigs did not exist.
4. That was more venting on my part. I had 60 height, didn't want to waste 20 on a Save, and was forced to start over. It was frustrating, and not in a good way.
Nah your criticism is heard loud and clear like anything. I just reacted on your first message being kinda aggressive. And personally I don't like aggressive as it's a gate towards to toxic community, I hope you agree.
Anyway back to your points and prove feedback is heard.
1. I wasn't mad at all what players do with their save is their thing, It's just that in V0.1 people defeated Lyra and Alisa before Syrianna showed up and thought the game was bugged. So it was done so it was less tempted to savescum but still your able to as you go net even. but anyway back to the changes In v0.3 I removed tax on saving for early few games (8 games) The shop will be locked at the same time to avoid accidental donations.
2. This is hard to get right as some players do this currently so fast that the movement ai bugs (rpgmaker thingy) maybe I add a slow down version for her in V0.4 when I add a easier mode, however I know for sure this will break her move ai as player moves to fast.
3. I will add a dialog the tutorial that you can smash piggy and as well that Alisa can smash through objects.
While I haven't gone through all of v0.2 yet, I can immediately say that a lot of the bugs and other issues I had have already been addressed to varying degrees.
That said, I would appreciate an option to disable the new 'saves costing height' feature, at least while the game is still well before v1.0. Savescumming it when it's a full game is one thing, but while I'm exploring this early release I'd like to be able to actually explore things without being gated as hard behind luck.
Edit: Had a suggestion involving random seeds that I realized wouldn't help. I feel like savescumming is a personal choice in a singleplayer game (issues with bricking it aside), but as an alternate suggestion that doesn't feel like it's penalizing normal saving as much, what about only allowing saving once every 5 games, since you're already counting that anyway?
I just copy the patch notes from V0.1 -> V0.2 So the bugs you see in patch notes where in V0.1. And the note has been discovered after I started work on V0.3 I will not work on multiple versions at the same time for obvious reasons.
that aside, I will not disable "cost" for saving. It's to protect the player as well as the girls. So 20 height is nothing when some players have 2k or 3k height (from screenshots I saw)
I would say if you want to suggest something or discuss something join the discord. It's easier for me.
I discovered this today and the demo shows immense promise; there's of course various minor bugs, but since .2 is coming out soon there's a decent shot that most of what I could mention is fixed already. I wanted to ask about your plans going forward in regards to monetization, though. Will the game ultimately be free with Patreon just getting early access and supporting the development process, or do you intend to put a price tag on the final product?
Thanks for playing, about the monetization, I will not make full promises for the final product or for the future. Cause I can't see in the future of course :)
Understandable; I mostly bring that question up because of concerns about the legal environment around AI-generated assets lately. There's a non-negligible chance you'll be in an awkward spot about being able to monetize by the time the game is actually completed.
I don't have any problems with you using them, don't take it that way, and I would like to support the game, but it's something you may need to consider and keep an eye on.
Apologies on that, I don't have any other way to message you at present that I can see (though that may be because I'm not familiar with and don't see any direct messaging options). I had no plans to make this a moral debate, just to give a concerned warning. Dropping that now, no further response on the matter needed.
I certainly have a variety of positive feedback and suggestions I'd like to give. Are there any plans to make the size transfer animations portray the actual height difference of the characters (at least to some reasonable limit)? I would like to see that as an option if not the default. I was also curious about the fact that while Alisa's height impacts her combat attributes, the player's does not. Is that an intended part of the premise of the game (IE the player being reduced to normal size for it), or are there plans to change that? The idea of a huge advantage in size being displayed in overwhelming strength is definitely part of the fantasy here.
Alisa's game you are locked into your normal height. It's for 1. Gameplay reasons 2. Balancing reasons. 3. Lore (as she transfers you to her domain, with that she also likes to show off her "strength" to everyone)
However this doesn't mean height is just a resource. Cause it will have a important part to play in the future.
Version 0.1.24 Bug Just a heads up, but it is possible to soft lock the game by draining both blue and red before white shows up. Since white won't show up until at least round 4, both blue and red can be drained of all size leaving you unable to play against one of the casino girls and have no way to progress further.
You're right. "Bug" isn't the right word. But I did believe it was something that should be addressed. Glad to hear that it is. Hopefully that update is soon!
MC last stage(picture) in the demo is at 285 but you height can continue increasing, for future updates everyone keep getting more images until around 10 stages (currently four in this demo)
This game is great, keep up the fantastic work. If I could make a suggestion, I think making more minigames for each character would be a great way to add verity. Other than that, I think this demo is spot on and I'm very excited for future content!
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could you consider making this playable in browser or an Android version as i don't have anything that runs on windows?
Browser probably not for android I know already few players that play this game using Joiplay on Android
oh ok thanks
so i cant run joiplay on my chromebook is there any other way i can play this?
That's using Linux based OS (ChromeOS), That's not something I can make work.
Sorry, there might be tools around the interwebs to solve it for you.
But honestly I don't know.
Btw Orachi update the discord link it expired just to let you know : )
Done thanks
Custom Checkpoint and Model in stable diffusion
With pre drawn girls before generation.
I am not really getting why Celestria is shrinking you, i spamming the key and she still shrinks me ;/
Celestria says:
Should the cosmic winds whisper to me that your efforts linger too long, I hold the power to shrink you,
Meaning if you take to long you will shrink.
That timer goes up the bigger she is.
if Cervon leaves because she gets to small, she takes Firia with her, is that supposed to be like this? XD
Oh that's weird, weren't they perhaps under 60 height?
Cervon yes but Firia wasnt ^^ havent played a single game with her at that moment XD
That's super weird
I really like Gametype of the Tower of Endless Shadows, but its so luck based, i have no idea how you should beat 4 girls (625HP) in the third round :(
Life slash is a godsend, but otherwise try to rush one down or try to get counter stance on.
How do you get past the second set of girls?
The second set of girls is currently the limit for free version.
Can I watch some pictures from the game anywear
V0.4 soon to be released on Patreon will have gallery system.
I don't know English, what is the objective of the game? Earn points and keep the three girls small?
The game isn't finish but the idea is to grow and become strong enough to leave the location without breaking the rules as leaving before it's allowed will shrink you to nothingness.
Are there any secrets on second mission, just asking cause I have not found any. Only found the one in the 3rd mission.
Yes there is a secret on the second map of Alisa
can ya tell me where to trigger those couse i'm lost
They are in the discord, secret walkthrough channel
Orachi when you have completed the full game, would it be possible to release it on Steam for purchase/download? Cause I would put it on top of my wishlist. :3
hmm how would you pay for it?
steam takes care of all that, charge like one month's worth of patreon and you're good
I can't seem to figure out the new games i keep getting game overs
What is the issue friend, are you losing the first 3 games ?
Maybe I could provide you with the information to progress
i can beat those first 3 its the 2nd set of 3 i cant figure out the ones added in the new update
Ma'riskia = She will be sending waves of water locked zombies at you getting hit once will make you drown and lose the minigame so think of it as a bullet hell light edition.
Ravenna = She dares you to challenge her tower and you will have a mini roguelike tower experience gaining loot and power as you defeat more foes until you reach the top of the tower and battle Ravenna herself.
Ténevorë = She is trying to play Blackjack with a twist as she doesn't exactly knows the full ruling herself. Try to get 21 points but not over or you lose.
Games are too long and hard. Just like real gambling, you lose more than you win. Not enjoyable. Also, save mechanic is garbage.
Game times and difficulty is subjective, however I do agree that some games are bit to hard when the girls have grown (cause growth scale mechanic) that's why I'm adding easy mode in V0.3 -> V0.4 that removes the scale mechanic.
For save mechanic : saving for 8 first games is totally free in V0.3 as after that the 5 win bonus will cover the cost of saving, the shopkeeper needs to feed on something ^^
Are you happy with the answers?
this game engines random variable feel like a bug, I tried random 1...6 but the thing is: the variable never over than 3, 4...6 are never hitted.
I'm confused, what random Variables your talking about?
1st game , I set head for 3 win 3 lose price by using 1...6, 1...3 for win 4...6 for lose ,win is 25 50 100 same to lose 25 50 100.
then I found I always hit 100 win then 25 win last 50 win. never hit any lose.
First game coin flip is only 1 or 2 for head or tail.
So I'm confused what you mean
How high the height of this game can trigger the ending.
There is no win ending yet as I'm releasing sections of the story over patches. in V0.4 I will add a "you win ending" if you beat all the girls but it's not cannon and only temp
Question. When I try to compete against Revanna in the tower of shadows, do the stat increases in attack, mana and HP remain permanent? And if so, Do they stay even if I lose?
Or is Height the only stat that retains its increases?
Hi Speedking,
Ravenna tower will reset your stats every time you go outside.
and yes height is the only stat you retain.
This is done so next time you enter you don't one shot the enemy.
lifespam , allrestore and ATK is the only things you can have to keep you alive.
if you chose others too much them you will be overrun.
No hint on where or how to find the key, played for way to long so I gave up.
full walkthrough on my discord for the secret
Hi MrMatt,
5 enemies aren't possible to get on a floor, only from floor 3 onwards in Ravenna's game you can get 4 enemies at max.
Ravenna is can be defeated as the player gains power through the floors. you could take a rest on floor 3 but be careful as the monsters might ambush you.
The pigs can be killed if your above 400 height and just Squash them
For Ma'riskia you have to stay calm and in the middle only move when something spawns in your way. For V0.3 I added a (beta easy mode) for test and Ma'riskia is one of them getting hit.
Correct Alisa will drain you if you get hit, that's most crucial thing to avoid in her game.
For Ma'riskia map I indeed add move out from spawn location
As they can spawn on top of you and instantly make you lose
The fake key is hidden item(you can't see it in the inventory) for Lyra's quest but she doesn't say anything about it, perhaps it's not the right key.
Does these answer your questions?
The Squash is only for the pigs, just press spacebar in front of them.
She Drains 30 height and gives 40, so it's reverse :)
For Lyra's key I won't tell further in public chat as it's a secret.
Don't want to spoiler things for people that want to discover it themself.
But one thing It's in Alisa's map
Can I add Android?
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.
Are you asking if you can on mobile?
tried to play the second game. this happened after reloading my save.
'failed to load'
and there's no WWW folder in the files, so i can't add a custom track to add the music in myself to fix this. so now the game just doesn't load at all
Nevermind: music just fails to load A LOT.
Just curious did you use F5 at all?
If that's the case that's indeed a bug of the engine.
afaik i fixed that in V0.3
Height: 250
Games Played: 8
When your in the Mainhall and check yourself the player model will be shown in Syriannas position area. After dialog is over and player model gone, Syrianna wont apear again until you change location. ^^
Syrianna Height: 245
Thanks I will look into it
same happens in the other realm with the left girl ^^
oh yeah I found the issue when checking for Syrianna so I added solution for both :D
Anyway thanks for notifying me anyway as it makes sure I don't miss things!
Gotta say it's a big step down with this update so far.
Alisa chase feels miserable to do with the slower speed especially since there seems to be a slight delay after the rooted QTE before you can start moving again. You should also get rid of the level up event at the end as it just needlessly extends out an already tedious game given that it is impossible to fail at that unless you go afk.
The event difficultly in general just seems both too hard and too long for the rewards. I'd suggest either just reducing event time or setting a minimum time needed for reward and giving more size increase for lasting longer.
Tried the wave dodging one once before getting too small. It was a fun concept but anything reaction base feels terrible to do with this game because the controls are just so slow/clunky and should be a 45s to a minute max especially if a mistake is an insta loss compared to Alisa's game. There should also be an indicator of direction of the new waves. It absolutely sucks when u end up dodging towards one side and then get instantly slammed and lost due to a wave change.
With how tedious it is now. It's not really tempting to go back and try the other games.
Alisa speed didn't change anything, however I did increase player speed in phase 2 in V0.3, also the delay moves the play there right way (In V0.1 you move random direction based on the last key press) Alisa will be rooted well this is happening.
(the second part) I hope me cutting the timer in half, the level up event is needed as she growth bigger to keep the fight fair. (also V0.3)
Sorry I don't know what event difficulty you mean in what game.
Maybe I can adjust it, if it's the whole game I'm going to introduce a easier mode where the girls won't scale with height. (and maybe remove the lose trigger if you become to small like v0.1) this is currently worked on for V0.4
Sorry again for the bad experience, are you satisfied with my answer?
The character speed in Alisa's game feels slower to me in the first phase than it was in V1 is what I mean, but that might be me imaging things.
I'd get rid of the 2nd part of the game entirely personally. It's impossible to lose unless you make a super tight timer which would then make the rng ladder room feel super shitty. Personally I think each game should only be about a minute long max given you will have to repeat each game multiple times.
By event difficultly I mean the games themselves generally aren't too difficult. Most the difficultly comes from either randomness (the wave game) or the controls of the game itself as RPGmaker games aren't usually meant for fast reactions.
I love the concept of the game though.
Thanks for the feedback,
I do cater to half and half based on length of the minigames.
Some girls have longer minigames and some girls have sorter ones.
I think that's the best way to make everyone happy. Like Blackjack vs Ravenna.
What is the point of resting in the tower game? I was at 250/600 hp, full mana, "rested", and then after winning the 1v3 fight I'm now 75/600 hp with no mana. Clicking the rest button just says "can't rest again".
I got cheated.
It follows D&D logic as resting in the tower you might get ambushed and able to take limited amount of rest.
Also Ravenna warns you about it:
At the conclusion of third floor, thou art granted respite for a lengthy rest, yet exercise caution, for the tower's inhabitants may take offense if any intruder slumbers within their dominion.
Sorry if the you feel you got cheated, the demon girls are mean.
I do feel there should be at least some heal or mana restore if you win. I did read that you might be attacked, but I actually thought it was 100% chance to get attacked and then you get a full heal after.
In Syrianna's game , when the timer IS on, the game slow a lot but when you leave the building, it's not snowing and the game's speed come back to normal , while in the 0.1 , it was running normally all the Time
Beside that ,great update , i'm looking foward for more
That's weird, maybe something is eating away from the game what's your fps during her game?
(this is the first time I hear it)
Three Times slower Than in normal (do this with Ma'riskia game Also)
Maybe it's juste my pc but when Ma'riskia game IS during 4min30s instead of 1min30s , it's a lot harder because in her game , only the timer runs slowly i feel
That's weird, honestly I doubt it's the game, I never heard anyone having the game slow down. but just incase what are your specs of your pc.
I have 4GO of RAM, i don't know if you want anything else , but i put it in a file , for 0.1 i just play when i download all , i don't think it suppose to change anything but in case , i tell you
Hmm.. sorry I can't figure it out why it's causing it.
I have been checking if there are any cause that maybe the game might be leaking memory without succes.
If you start up the game and press F2 on your keyboard you will get a FPS counter on top, during Syrianna's game can you check when you having a slowed down version what the counter says and shoot that to me.
Thank in advance
Trying this out, I can say that its extremely difficult, perhaps too difficult.
A coin flip game is ridiculous for this style of game, with a 15 wager it takes too long to reduce to 0. The main lobby is tedius but otherwise easy.
Ma'riska took extremely long to get a single clear, as there is no indication of where the enemies come from, thus making an instant loss the more common scenario. Every mini-game takes too long to complete effeciently, and I think a stronger payout is necessary.
Ravenna was the most fun out of all of them, as she could be challenging for risk, or full combat and take longer. This was done well.
Tenevore was... eh. Blackjack is always hit and miss, just as bad as the coinflip, but you can't exactly make it easier. I just think once again, allow a higher wager for confident players.
In V0.3 I added a ! marker above player ahead when the waves about to change.
Mini game length is always hit or miss, some people like it and some people don't.
Same goes for difficulty as the general sense = "It's to easy" .
That's why I add easier games in between harder ones
And shorter games between longer ones
Not all mini-games are for everyone and will never be the case.
I can't please everyone with everything and that's harsh reality.
On a side not V0.3 has a custom wager girl as test (and it's extremely buggy)
Hope your happy with this information?
I tend to agree on savescumming
but i also want to see what happens on a constant loss or get a girl to biggest height without having to replay everything constantly
Can safely say that v0.2 is a worse experience than v0.1, the save system being locked behind a paywall is an awful idea in the early game since you're stuck with the luck based coin flip to gain height, and the new chase stage which is now way too hard for the early game, she moves WAY too fast. The pigs also were a stupid roadblock, and at one point got stuck in a position that meant I got caught by her 5 times in a row. Absolute Garbage placement. The Marry Me Option providing an actual Game Over also meant I lost my progress because I didn't want to save since I only had 60 height, and that's never fun. I don't care if as you said, "it's to protect the player" because it's not. How does it protect the player? That doesn't mean anything. It's to prevent Save Scumming, that's literally the only thing it's doing. It's also causing more dead games than it should be, and that's never good game design.
I would like to have discussion with you but got a feeling how you worded you post your emotions are at a all time high.
Also doubt you will listen to me as you said yourself "I don't care"
But I will try anyway,
1. Save system costing has 4 reasons.
2. Alisa speed didn't change, you actually gained speed as you move forward in the right direction for the QTE
3. Pigs you can kill if you big enough.
4. Marry Me option is there to stay as forcing yourself onto her will backfire, Don't forget they are not human.
If you want to discus it, I'm down for it.
I tend to agree with you on the cost for saving. I do not feel like the first version of the second game is hard at all (the other skilled based ones are also not that hard to get the hang off, at least in my opinion). So I do not feel like the game has a high skill floor preventing players from surviving possible bad luck with the RNG elements (and even then you can always restart if you lose the first 5 coin tosses at the start).
So keeping a small cost for saving to prevent players from ruining the tension left in the game feels like a good idea.
Thanks for your comment!
I am open to discussion, and listening, but you're making it out that my criticism is invalid when you word it like that, just to let you know.
1. Looking at it from a Design perspective the fact you got mad that people save scummed should not be a reason to limit saves. The fact that it could break the plugins is another thing, and it's on the fault of coding that it even happens (Probably RPGMaker knowing how stable it can be when doing anything outside the basics) and should be the first and only reason you give people. Your Opinions don't factor into what is and is not good Game Design. As it stands 20 is too steep a cost for early in the game, and sending someone back to the very start of the game if they get unlucky with the coin toss, and don't want to spend what little they might have on a save is frankly bad design. If I wanted a cost based save system I'd make it so the first time is either free or Low Cost, then increase it as you get further in the game.
2. I compared, Alisa did get faster, she's moving at a higher speed than she was before, while the player feels slower. The speed boost for the QTE lasts 1 second, and then she's right back to where she was before, and is constantly getting closer. If this is not supposed to be happening then the encounter is broken.
3. IF you're big enough. If you're not then they're a roadblock. That's bad design. There is also nothing to communicate that you CAN kill them, because the tutorial text is the same as the last version, where the pigs did not exist.
4. That was more venting on my part. I had 60 height, didn't want to waste 20 on a Save, and was forced to start over. It was frustrating, and not in a good way.
Nah your criticism is heard loud and clear like anything.
I just reacted on your first message being kinda aggressive.
And personally I don't like aggressive as it's a gate towards to toxic community, I hope you agree.
Anyway back to your points and prove feedback is heard.
1. I wasn't mad at all what players do with their save is their thing, It's just that in V0.1 people defeated Lyra and Alisa before Syrianna showed up and thought the game was bugged.
So it was done so it was less tempted to savescum but still your able to as you go net even. but anyway back to the changes
In v0.3 I removed tax on saving for early few games (8 games)
The shop will be locked at the same time to avoid accidental donations.
2. This is hard to get right as some players do this currently so fast that the movement ai bugs (rpgmaker thingy) maybe I add a slow down version for her in V0.4 when I add a easier mode,
however I know for sure this will break her move ai as player moves to fast.
3. I will add a dialog the tutorial that you can smash piggy and as well that Alisa can smash through objects.
4. Understandable
Are you satisfied with the answers?
While I haven't gone through all of v0.2 yet, I can immediately say that a lot of the bugs and other issues I had have already been addressed to varying degrees.
That said, I would appreciate an option to disable the new 'saves costing height' feature, at least while the game is still well before v1.0. Savescumming it when it's a full game is one thing, but while I'm exploring this early release I'd like to be able to actually explore things without being gated as hard behind luck.
Edit: Had a suggestion involving random seeds that I realized wouldn't help. I feel like savescumming is a personal choice in a singleplayer game (issues with bricking it aside), but as an alternate suggestion that doesn't feel like it's penalizing normal saving as much, what about only allowing saving once every 5 games, since you're already counting that anyway?
I just copy the patch notes from V0.1 -> V0.2
So the bugs you see in patch notes where in V0.1.
And the note has been discovered after I started work on V0.3
I will not work on multiple versions at the same time for obvious reasons.
that aside, I will not disable "cost" for saving.
It's to protect the player as well as the girls.
So 20 height is nothing when some players have 2k or 3k height
(from screenshots I saw)
I would say if you want to suggest something or discuss something join the discord.
It's easier for me.
will there be updates from this game for free or for patreon only?
Newest update will be only Patreon
Oh I will for all of you :)
One of the best I've played to date!!!
I don't deserve that praise O.o but thanks anyway!
Can anyone tell me where the firestone is?
The three items are pot top left, skeleton mid of map and the snowman bot right. Have fun.
Hello guys, I have a little problem.
I have played it for a long time, but ones I closed and try to play again, all the gowth that I had was reseted again. Is it normal?
I am playing the demo btw
Uh, their height was reset?
Did you select maybe a old save or new game?
How many girls are there ?
3 in demo, 7 in V0.2
good game
Please Android version
I want to expand the game and the girls before I start fifing around with mobile version.
I discovered this today and the demo shows immense promise; there's of course various minor bugs, but since .2 is coming out soon there's a decent shot that most of what I could mention is fixed already. I wanted to ask about your plans going forward in regards to monetization, though. Will the game ultimately be free with Patreon just getting early access and supporting the development process, or do you intend to put a price tag on the final product?
Thanks for playing, about the monetization, I will not make full promises for the final product or for the future. Cause I can't see in the future of course :)
For now you can read : What's next for Growth Gambit and Patreon
Understandable; I mostly bring that question up because of concerns about the legal environment around AI-generated assets lately. There's a non-negligible chance you'll be in an awkward spot about being able to monetize by the time the game is actually completed.
I don't have any problems with you using them, don't take it that way, and I would like to support the game, but it's something you may need to consider and keep an eye on.
This is something that doesn't concern me, cause it won't effect me.
Also I want to ask to keep this discussion out of this chat, we're here to enjoy the game not to discus IF this is right or wrong.
Apologies on that, I don't have any other way to message you at present that I can see (though that may be because I'm not familiar with and don't see any direct messaging options). I had no plans to make this a moral debate, just to give a concerned warning. Dropping that now, no further response on the matter needed.
I certainly have a variety of positive feedback and suggestions I'd like to give. Are there any plans to make the size transfer animations portray the actual height difference of the characters (at least to some reasonable limit)? I would like to see that as an option if not the default. I was also curious about the fact that while Alisa's height impacts her combat attributes, the player's does not. Is that an intended part of the premise of the game (IE the player being reduced to normal size for it), or are there plans to change that? The idea of a huge advantage in size being displayed in overwhelming strength is definitely part of the fantasy here.
Alisa's game you are locked into your normal height.
It's for
1. Gameplay reasons
2. Balancing reasons.
3. Lore (as she transfers you to her domain, with that she also likes to show off her "strength" to everyone)
However this doesn't mean height is just a resource.
Cause it will have a important part to play in the future.
Version 0.1.24 Bug
Just a heads up, but it is possible to soft lock the game by draining both blue and red before white shows up. Since white won't show up until at least round 4, both blue and red can be drained of all size leaving you unable to play against one of the casino girls and have no way to progress further.
It's not a bug but really tight, even you save scum you will defeat them both before third girl shows up, this is changed in the upcoming version
You're right. "Bug" isn't the right word. But I did believe it was something that should be addressed. Glad to hear that it is. Hopefully that update is soon!
Great game, quick question tho whats the current max height on the majn character?
As far as I know there's no actual max height. I've gotten over 2k. But the picture stops updating well before that.
MC last stage(picture) in the demo is at 285 but you height can continue increasing, for future updates everyone keep getting more images until around 10 stages (currently four in this demo)
This game is great, keep up the fantastic work. If I could make a suggestion, I think making more minigames for each character would be a great way to add verity. Other than that, I think this demo is spot on and I'm very excited for future content!