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(1 edit)

Can someone help me? I don't know how to beat Syrianna's game. Where is paper, torch and fire? Btw game is nice 👍.

If you wait out the timer, there will also be a portal that opens up where you first spawn in.

As for the 3 items? Interact with more unique looking items and you'll eventually find them.

I just ended up checking every object on the map to find them since Syrianna isn't to fast at first

A great game so far, but there is a main issue with starting up the game. Sometimes the game will just go to a white screen when you open it, and you have to reopen it and hope that it works that time.


Yes, It's cause the encryption, I'm trying to find a solution for it at the moment

By the way, is Syrianna's minigame bugged? I've lasted the whole 3 minutes, but she's still chasing after me.


She is not bugged, after 3 minutes a escape portal will open up in the middle of the map reach it before she drains you :)


Great start so far. Definitely looking forward to more. Just a couple notes.

For starters, I don't know why the game can't be played entirely with the arrow keys/enter. While this is MOSTLY true for the game, selecting a rival to challenge must be done with the mouse. I'm not sure if that's an oversight or what.

Not really a bug, but something to note. After a certain height, the player and rivals can grow faster than can be drained. While this isn't strictly true for the player (because they can sit and allow themselves to be drained), it probably warrants a hard cap on the growth of rivals. I was actually gambling constantly with Blue, and because we both grew more than 100 every 5 games, it was impossible for either of us to outpace the growth. For Blue, this was at about 800 height (when the growth triggers).

Another thing to note is that, for White, she said surviving for 3 minutes would count as a win. The timer actually means nothing, neither win or lose. I'd be fine if it counted as a loss, but it would need to extend into the shed if it does.

(2 edits) (+3)

Thanks for playing!

1. I do agree that the game should be able to be played with keyboard online
however the selecting rival system is a limitation of the plugin and can only be done with mouse. I might be able to add hotkeys assigned to it like 1234 example.
I have to check into it later.

2. I have changed how the growth works a bit in next update and every update after will introduce more ways to play with height by either games or other things.

3. If you survive the timer the portal in middle of the map should open up when the timer expires, I will add a text message saying so, apart from that I will also make her game a lot harder so be prepared for that :)


Fun game, looking forward to more!

(1 edit) (+1)

Anyhow great game I enjoy it a lot playing it,hope there more stages for 3 current girls seems I hit their max size form change aleardy.

It just doesn't work properly now. Only black screen.


Restart the game, it should work tested it with around 10 users.
Sorry It's a must now.....


How many girls are there going to be?


Secret :) but expect it to be a lot.


hope one is a goblin girl. 

Small to B I G  is my favourite


Looking forward to seeing where this goes!


Is there a way to just view all the sprites individually? Want to see what they all look like without having to lose constantly to the white/red sisters.


Currently no, might do gallery in the future.


Hi how many total size images does the main character have?




I liked the demo.  There are still a couple of minor bugs with the second game.  When you fail a root quicktime, the characters can still move while the animation plays, which doesn't seem intended.  If you fail a root and then run into the town while the portraits are still on screen, they aren't removed from the screen until the fight.  Also the last input for the quicktime event moves your character, which is annoying when the input makes you move backwards.

I'm also hoping you have a second option for seeing the bigger enemy portraits besides having to lose or wait for them to get it passively.  I don't know where you plan for the story to go but maybe we can eventually gift them height in exchange for their help.


The girls won't be nice and help you even if you gift their height.
But maybe in the future I will release gallery feature.


Excellent game, Hope to see of it and more like it.


I really like the game, but I haven't been able to find a link to this game anywhere on Deviantart. These types of games can get some nice boosts in traffic that way. Would you be okay with me making a post on my account to promote this game and your patreon? I could even repeat it for every new update if you wanted to.

I've done this for 1 other game before and even with my very small page the post got over 1.7k views. The author later told me the link to I had included in the post was used by more than 150 people.

Just let me know if you think it could help.


Hi, thanks for the offer but I want to keep doing everything myself for now. for that I made a DeviantArt account and post Orachi-Games User Profile | DeviantArt.


Great! Already watched and favourited, hope this game takes off.


Hey nice game Orachi. I did tried the version 1.22 last night, I was about to report the bugs but all seem fix in version 1.24. However, you talked about a secret on game 3 on giantesscity forum, I did get it 2 times but I can't figured out how to trigger that secret.  I know there is a stair at the bottom right in the house of game 3 but the 2 times I got it, it seem to appear randomly.

Can you share that secret with us?

You game is a good start, I will keep an eye on it.


I will be not sharing the secret it's for the players to find it.


Fine by me but you should put a dialogues that tell when we discover that secret so we can figure out how to trigger it. I know first run, the stair was just there and I don't know how I did get it, and on my second run, I pull the lever and when I run back to the entrance, the secret stair suddenly appear without I did anything special. Could it be a bug or something?

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It's not bugged, It has hidden triggers.

Also secret means it's a secret, If I add dialog for it, It's not a secret anymore.

Also It's not must do content It's just a bonus.


Well, I just start a new game and I figured it out the trigger, I'll keep that secret for you :) However, is it possible it trigger only once or my last save was bugged? Also, I lost against Syrianna but can't do anything after that and the 3 rivals disappear, that wont happen if I win that fight. Here a screenshot what it looks like.


Cause I made a error within her lose line. This is something I found already and fixed in V2 when it's released.


Oh and order thing, if I remember correctly on version 1.22, when Alisa catch you, she was getting bigger and had more health to make the fight more difficult at the end, but that doesn't seem the case with your last version no matter how many time she catch you.


Weird I tested it and it works, I will look deeper  into it and will solve it in the next update, cause I already started on V2.


Every secret is must do content, you added it into the game

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I'm about as lost as you are about how it triggers, I haven't had it happen once in about 20 runs, interacted with every object, perfect run, tagged before every pickup, tagged after every pickup, nothing. Doesn't help that I didn't catch any kind of hint to it in the dialogues.


Quick question, how many rivals are in this version, just the three? (I might have soft locked myself)


3 rivals currently, so you if you beaten them all you have finished the demo, unless you want to search for secret.


Nice one

hope there will be a recurring rival, like in pokemon, that every know and then comes to fight us, like a special event


I do love the growth game but you can make the another girls more bigger by stealing your height or size too and i can't wait to see more update of the game.

(1 edit) (+2)

Same reason as I said to Jessie, the demo was just to give you the introduction without backfire. the balancing of height will be done in later versions.


(1 edit) (+1)

nice game as of now <3 

Looks like there is currently no Check Yourself for when you shrunk. Its also possible to get -15 Height XD

Is there a current max height where Check Yourself wont show anything else anymore?

Looking forward what else this game will have. 


Didn't add lose mechanic to this demo cause I wanted to let you all play without getting screwed by height.
And currently all girls have set growth and nothing that goes past it, this will change later on.

Also thank you for playing <3


Just played a little bit of the game, Its done really well so far, I wish i could make games like this lol. Anyways good work!



Hey just out of curiousity, Could I DM you about developing a game in Renpy? Im mostly looking for someone to help me in making a game similiar to yours(ive attempted twice so far, got somewhere with the two attempted projects, but some stuff happened with the first where i lost the code. The second i had some mental health issues so i abandoned it, and have been trying to find motivation since). If you would be interested just let me know, and i will shoot you my discord, if not, no need to bother :p Thanks!


I haven't ever touched Renpy, doubt I can help you.
On a side note I'm working on 2 games at the same time while having a full time job, I don't think It's good for my health to do another game. but your always welcome to dm me if you have questions.

It's you behind scientific journey and the other scapped game?
What happened man, i liked your works

Feel free to re-share your drafts with us again, they are nowhere to be found!

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